Hawai’i has a diverse & exciting island wide community of vegans. This series is a documentation of moments, not meant to represent demographics of the local vegan community, but rather to set forth stories, life moments & messages shared from these dialogues.
“I love everything about being vegan. There is always so much to learn. I love following the path of the heart and I love meeting others who feel the same way.”
“I love it best when students share that they actually made the recipes and shared them with loved ones. This is the ultimate! Passing on the Raw Vegan love is the best!”
A chef and owner at Under the Bodhi Tree restaurant on the Big Island, Stephen notes “Personal health & wellness as well as protecting the environment” as motivators for going vegan.
“For me, veganism & spirituality cannot be separated. When I became vegan, that’s when everything came together.” -Alessandra
“Every day is an opportunity to develop our understanding that all beings are entitled to lives of peace, happiness and freedom. Remember, no human wants to be killed and eaten, taken into slavery, or exploited, and no other animal wants that either. The compassion I’ve developed since becoming vegan includes humans and the environment, as well as the animals. “
“Veganism is not about doing NO harm to anyone, but doing the LEAST amount, which is why we can all do our part by choosing plant based foods when possible.”